Why the US India relationship needs a healthy dose of realism
The United States and India have had different types of relations in the recent past. For two nations, once so far apart and somewhat detached, the importance of their relations has evolved into something more tangible. While backed by security considerations, there are numerous more aspects to the cooperation of the US India relationship. However, to such a partnership, one must say that why the US India relationship needs a healthy dose of realism cannot be overstated. However, in this article, they will discuss the challenges of this relationship, the social causes that lead to a need for realism, and how to maintain the equilibrium to keep this business strong.

Historical Evolution of the US India Relation
Why the US India bilat relationship needs realism: it is important to look at the key facts behind this relationship. Since then, the two countries have been involved in many fronts in their bilateral relations through trade and economic cooperation, regional security, and defense.
Based on this, the framework of this relationship is built upon democratic values and a common threat that the two sides face. That is why the US views India as a growing superpower, which can considerably affect the balance of power in such an area as Asia. However, from the perspective of India, the United States is seen as a critical partner in addressing geopolitical threats with the latest emerging power, China.
However, the existing political realities of mutual regional and global interests show that the US India relationship is far from simple. Why the US India relationship needs a healthy dose of realism is based on the fact that both countries have not solved the internal and external problems, regional tensions, and global aspirations.
Economic Cooperation: A Dual-Edged Sword
Trade and Economic Partnership is one of the leading aspects of the bilateral relationship between the US and India. These two countries are members of the G-7, and the bilateral actual and potential trading partners have grown substantially in the last decade. India has slowly evolved into one of the largest markets for US products and services, and on the same note, the US is one of the major sources of FDI for India.
In this, it holds an economic partnership that comes with some difficulties. India has come out openly on trade imbalances, protectionism, and restraint on foreign investment for a pretty long time. For instance, the United States has expressed concern over India’s trade policies, protection of intellectual property rights, and business restrictive regulations.
Is obvious in the economic sphere. Each country must come to the realization that they are different and then move to fashion new trade relations that are fair. The realization of both parties’ interest is to acknowledge the fact that each has its own real concerns to ensure that the economic talks to get to the new level are constructive.
Geopolitically, in terms of outlooks of the Indo-Pacific region, there is converged interest as well as goals between the US and India. Both fellow members have embarked on counterterrorism cooperation, naval exercises, and activities touching on security in the region. However, why the US India relationship needs a healthy dose of realism emerges when comparing their agendas in some areas of operation as follows:
Hence, why the US India relationship needs a healthy dose of realism in this context is important. Laying down their differences on certain contentious geopolitical issues, it is important that both countries respect the stand of the other country. It cannot be ignored that these differences exist when people work towards the same goal; recognizing this and proceeding towards the stated goals will reduce tension and promote a better working relationship.
Defense and Security: Understanding the Value of Trust while Risking Doubts
Of many areas where cooperation between the United States and India has been stepped up in recent years, this is defense. Both countries have common security interests, especially in relation to the emerging tangles between China and Pakistan.
Both countries have to understand that they have similar security concerns but differences that cannot be ignored. And maintaining the proper level of trust and cooperation between the sides will be the main prerequisite for preserving the efficiency of their defense cooperation.
Cultural and Social Ties: Deepening People-to-People Relations
Second, the culture and social aspects own a significant proportion of the United States-India relations today, in addition to political, economic, and security cooperation. Due to significant flows of Indian migrants in the United States, the two countries have been well connected, and relations have improved.
This is yet another reason why the US India relationship needs a healthy dose of realism. When discussing bilateral relations that can be beneficial, one must not deny the existence of social and cultural barriers while at the same time affirming the necessity of the potential development of the active relations. In doing so, it becomes possible for both countries to ensure that their people-to-people connections remain very healthy.
Hence, why the US India relationship needs a healthy dose of realism is fundamental for the future of this significant partnership. The two nations stand to benefit from their interaction, hence the need to pay attention to the challenges characterizing the relationship.

Realismin this context means a realization that there will be differences, that compromises will have to be made, and that there will be no complete match of objectives. Thus, utilizing this approach, the US and India could manage their relationship so as to reap the most possible cooperative gains with the least provocation of conflict.
That is why what we have between the US and India requires a good dose of realism?
The primary reason is because, unlike in many other developed countries, the priorities and concerns of Russia and the USA in many key areas, including trade, defense, and geopolitics, are different. These differences do demand recognition, and it would be beneficial for both countries to start from a position of no illusions about the other side’s position.
These issues suggest that how can the US and India cooperate, even if they are different in many ways?
The incentives for the coupled cooperation between the USA and India are plenty, and the major areas of mutual interest are regional security, economic cooperation, and counterterrorism. They are also required to understand and recognize differences by establishing unity through common factors and through talks. Some realism is beneficial to guarantee that each participant shall address complications suitably.